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Parent Workshops
Join Gilda Panales, an experienced behavior consultant with a background in counseling and school psychology, for online workshops with new topics each month.
Upcoming Workshops
Understanding Temperament and its Impact on Childhood Behavior and the Risks of Misdiagnosing ADHD
COST: $35
DATE: April 24, 2024
TIME: 7:00pm - 8:30pm PST
LOCATION: Zoom (link shared after registration)
Join us for a live 90-minute workshop focused on understanding temperament in children, its influence on behavior, and the often-overlooked link between temperament variations and the misdiagnosis of ADHD.
We will explore how professionals can inadvertently overlook temperament factors when assessing and diagnosing ADHD, potentially leading to misdiagnosis and inappropriate interventions.
We will also discuss strategies and best practices for professionals, educators, and parents to recognize and account for temperament differences in children.
Access to the replay will be available for 30 days.